Bachelor Party 2: The Last Temptation
Starring Harland Williams, Josh Cooke, Sara Foster, Warren Christie, Greg Pitts, Danny A. Jacobs, Max Landwirth, Emmanuelle Vaugnier, Karen Gordon, Stephen Crowley, Mauricio Sanchez, Chay Santini and Audrey Landers.
Screenplay by Neal Israel & Pat Proft and Jay Longini.
Directed by James Ryan.
Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox. 103 minutes. Not Rated.
You might be wondering (and you surely won’t be alone), who has been waiting around for 24 years for a sequel to Bachelor Party, a 1984 comedy which is remembered now mostly as being Tom Hanks’ second movie-starring role, giving a chance for TJ Hooker’s Adrian Zmed to talk dirty and introducing us to Tawny Kitaen three years before she straddled the hood of Whitesnake’s car?
No one has been waiting for it, undoubtedly, but here it is, slinking straight to video with Harland Williams — a comedian no one will confuse with a Hanks of the new millennium — as it’s drawing card. Well, technically, Josh Cooke — who is also no Tom Hanks but likeable enough — is playing the Hanks role of a faithful fiancé whose slob buddies throw him one last huge blowout before walking down the aisle.
Not that it matters all that much. Anyone could have played Hanks’ role in the original, which at the time undid some of the positive vibes that his clever debut in Splash generated and sent him into a filmmaking slump which lasted several years and spewed forth the unwatchable likes of The Man with One Red Shoe, Volunteers, The Money Pit and The ‘Burbs. Who the guys are here really doesn’t matter all that much. It’s all about the debauchery.
Besides, any hope of Bachelor Party 2 being even the least bit original are snuffed out in the first scene — this film’s variation on the old sitcom staple scene where a guy takes his girlfriend to a fancy restaurant and has the place put the engagement ring into her dessert, only to have it somehow end up at another couple’s table. Yeah, never saw that coming. Later, you also get a variation on the guy-taking-viagra-but-thinking-it’s-Tylenol gag, which is just about as overdone.
However if you’re amused by lines like “Dip my balls in champagne because I’m in heaven” and enough silicone to fill five seasons of Nip/Tuck, then this is the movie for you.
Bachelor Party 2 doesn’t pretend to be anything it’s not. It’s a cheesy sex comedy. Not the best you’ll see — in fact it’s not very good at all — but there are enough dumb jokes and topless strippers to be a distraction. There is a place in the world for that kind of entertainment.
Alex Diamond
Copyright ©2008 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: February 12, 2008.
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