Dorfman in Love
Dorfman in Love
A friend of mine who works in TV production has a pet theory that you can always tell that a sitcom is going to be awful if the posters or billboards feature a befuddled looking actress with her hands thrown up in the air in good-natured confusion or exasperation.
This stance is less common to film than television, but when I saw Sara Rue doing the pose on the poster for Dorfman in Love, I figured that it wasn’t a good sign.
Turns out I was dead wrong. While Dorfman is by no means a masterpiece and it’s just slightly sitcom-esque, the movie is actually a whole hell of a lot more enjoyable and lovable than its one sheet led me to believe.
True, there is nothing really surprising that happens in Dorfman in Love, but as old-fashioned romantic comedies go, it has a surplus of heart, soul and sass.
#JohannUrb #ScottWilson #NickHodaly #SonyaEddy #JonathanChase #KriziaBajos #HaleyMarieNorman #CatherineHicks #TonitaCastro #popentertainment #SaraRue #BubbaGanter #PopEntertainmentcom #ToddGrinnell #HaazSleiman #KeriLynnPratt #MelissaKeller #jaysjacobs #DorfmaninLove #KelenColeman #ElliottGould #moviereview #SophieMonk