Herbie: Fully Loaded
Starring Lindsay Lohan, Justin Long, Breckin Meyer, Matt Dillon, Michael Keaton, Cheryl Hines, Jimmi Simpson, Jill Ritchie, Thomas Lennon, Jeremy Roberts, E.E. Bell, Peter Pasco, Mario Larraza, Patrick Cranshaw, Scott McNairy, Amy Hill, Jim Cody Williams, Allen Bestwick, Benny Parsons, Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson, Dale Jarrett, Tony Stewart and Stewart Scott.
Screenplay by Thomas Lennon & Robert Ben Garant and Alfred Gough & Miles Millar.
Directed by Angela Robinson.
Distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. 102 minutes. Rated G.
It seems that the Walt Disney Company is determined to film a remake or sequel (or both) to every title in their huge library, so it was only a matter of time before The Love Bug was dusted off, shined up and sold as new. After all, that 1968 comedy, starring Dean Jones, Michele Lee, Buddy Hackett and a souped-up-living-and-thinking VW Bug named Herbie is one of the better Disney comedies, and one of the more popular. It has already spawned the sequels Herbie Rides Again (1974), Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (1977), Herbie Goes Bananas (1980) and Herbie: The Love Bug (1981).
Lindsay Lohan is already an old hand in these Disney retreads — her movie starring debut was in 1998’s The Parent Trap redux and she also remade Freaky Friday with Jamie Lee Curtis in 2003. So it is a match made in heaven (or at least in a high-powered studio exec meeting) to mix the popular franchise with the popular teen star.
Herbie: Fully Loaded isn’t a deep or meaningful movie, nor is it supposed to be. (Nor was the original Love Bug, for that matter.) It is a fun, harmlessly charming film that works for the whole family – it doesn’t dumb down too much for the kids, nor does it go over their heads to attract the adults. It’s a disposable movie, you may not think of it too much after it’s done, but you’ll enjoy yourself while it’s running. (6/05)
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2005 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: November 17, 2005.
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