Lee Brown
Lee Brown
Coming Across the Pond to Join Phase V
by Debbie Wagner
Lee Brown is a talented young dancer, singer and actor from the UK. He’s been working on his craft since he was a young child. Now he has come across the pond to join the five boy super group Phase V!
Early on, Brown took up dancing. He especially enjoyed hip hop though he is also trained in ballet, contemporary dance, jazz and tap. Realizing he wanted more, he started performing in local musical theater, allowing him first hand experience in order to strengthen his acting, musical and performance skills.
Looking to perfect his craft, Brown attended the Liverpool Institute of Performance Arts (LIPA), a school co-founded by the legendary singer and Beatles member Paul McCartney. LIPA offers its students a fresh new approach to performance arts training. Many of their alumni – including Brown – are achieving great success.
Since training at LIPA, Brown has successfully landed large-scale jobs including the lead role in a production of How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying.
When asked where he gets his musical influences, Brown will tell you he loves artists from a variety of genres including favorites like Bruno Mars, Olly Murs, Frankie Valli and Ed Sheeran.

Phase Five
It will be exciting to see how Brown’s musical influences and past training add to the already diverse line up in Phase V. Joining existing members Jeremiah Neil, Jay Cortez, Nelson Gabriel Santos Riviera and Alex Odon, this urban pop group hail from varied locations and backgrounds in the USA, Puerto Rico, Belgium and now the UK. The individual uniqueness of each member is part of their appeal and their fans really appreciate their diversity.
Spending a lot of their time in southern California, Phase V is developing their group into one with potential worldwide appeal. Their unique tones, musical blends and strong dance moves can help get them there. Working along side of industry veteran Michelle Parimore of Parimore Management, Phase V with the new addition of Lee Brown should continue to make their mark on the music industry for many years to come.
#NelsonGabrielSantosRiviera #thebeatles #PhaseFive #paulmccartney #AlexOdon #LeeBrown #BrunoMars #LiverpoolInstituteofPerformanceArts #JayCortez #OllyMurs #EdSheeran #PopEntertainmentcom #FrankieValli #HowtoSucceedinBusinesswithoutReallyTrying #deborahwagner #MichelleParimore #ParimoreManagement #JeremiahNeil