Petty Fest 2016
Petty Fest – The Fonda Theatre – Los Angeles, CA – September 13, 2016
As the fortieth anniversary of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers was upon us, people of The Best Fest decided it was only right to host a tribute show, hosted by The Cabin Down Below Band.
Among several guests, the lineup included The Shelters, Brandon Boyd of Incubus, Norah Jones, and Matt Schultz and Matthan Minster of Cage the Elephant. A dedication to the 80s band, the show brought in people of older age who didn’t prove to be as “hardcore” as most younger fans are of their favorite bands.

The Shelters at Petty Fest 2016
Held in the heart of Hollywood, the night went off with a bang. For the first song, The Cabin Down Below Band performed, of course, “Cabin Down Below.” The crowd welcomed them despite unfamiliarity and watched with observant eyes.

Adam Busch and Danny Masterman at Petty Fest 2016
For almost every song, a new guest was announced to come up and sing. By the third, “Yer So Bad,” Danny Masterson, from That 70’s Show and Adam Busch came on stage to play guitar for the country and folk fans in the crowd.

Lissie at Petty Fest 2016
As the audience greeted each new performer with claps, The Cabin Down Below Band played together in sync. Some of the more popular Petty songs included “Into the Great Wide Open,” done by Lissie and “I Won’t Back Down,” by Chris Vos of The Record Company.

Chris Vos at Petty Fest 2016
Cabin Down Below told the crowd thirty full songs were to be played, which proved true in the end. Whether waiting for a specific artist to meet the eyes of the fans or waiting for that one song, anticipations grew. Calm and collected, the main range of elders didn’t lose control of someone they loved walked up to the stage, making it easier for me to not be skin-to-skin with every other person.

Brandon Boyd at Petty Fest 2016
The night floated on while Cameron Avery from Tame Impala came out in a suit and gave his all in “Alright for Now.” Next up was Nikolai Fraiture of the extremely well known band The Strokes, serenading the crowd to the catchy song, “A Woman in Love.” Adding to the alternative band member count, lead singer, Brandon Boyd, of Incubus tenderheartedly singing “Mary Jane’s Last Dance.”

Jakob Dylan at Petty Fest 2016
Famous Jakob Dylan, son of Bob Dylan, was cheered on by the audience when his name was announced. For his first song, “The Waiting,” all went smoothly but before the second song, an amp on stage blew out. Although concerning, dedicated fans pushed the performers to continue, in which they did “Rebels.”

Norah Jones and Kristen Wiig at Petty Fest 2016
They say Hollywood is guaranteed to bring surprises. This phrase was deemed true when Kristen Wiig stepped out on stage with Norah Jones to perform “You Don’t Know How it Feels.” The duo did phenomenal, having a second shot with “Time To Move On.” By the end, a man in the crowd yelled, “Ghostbusters rules!” in which she accepted the compliment with a modest thank you.

Matt Schultz and Matthan Minster at Petty Fest 2016
One of the biggest acts of the show, Matt and Matthan from Cage the Elephant, greeted the crowd with glee once they were visible to all. Matt’s grungy voice worked perfectly for renditions of “Breakdown,” and the famous “American Girl,” that anyone could like (but everyone in the audience loved).

Petty Fest
Coming close to the end, lead singer of The Cabin Down Below, Cory Chisell, invited all guests to come on stage and perform one final song as a finale. One by one and group by group, they slowly made their way out, with the instrumentals of “Free Fallin’” being played out. Together, the song was sung with unity and thanking for a wonderful crowd and amazing tribute to Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers’ fortieth anniversary.
Mia Jessie
Copyright ©2016 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 16, 2016.
Photos by Camille Jessie © 2016
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