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Scott Eastwood and Clark Backo – We Want Them Back

Writer: PopEntertainmentPopEntertainment

Updated: Feb 13, 2022

Scott Eastwood and Clark Backo

We Want Them Back

by Jay S. Jacobs

We all have to ones that got away – the great loves in our lives that end up leaving us a wreck.

The new film I Want You Back uses that very common occurrence as the springboard to a dark romantic comedy. Peter (Charlie Day) and Emma (Jenny Slate) meet and bond through their mutual heartbreak, both have been dumped by their lovers who had found someone new. Therefore they decide to team up to destroy the new relationships and get their exes back.

Emma’s ex is Noah (Scott Eastwood), a sensitive physical trainer who ended up falling for Ginny (Clark Backo), the owner of a new pie shop down the street from gym. Peter agrees to befriend Noah in an attempt to sabotage the new relationship for Emma – with disastrous circumstances.

This is a rare comic role for Eastwood, who is better known for action and drama – much like his iconic father Clint – in things like Wrath of Man, The Fate of the Furious and Suicide Squad. Backo also has done more serious work like Letterkenny and Designated Survivor.

About a week before the release of I Want You Back on Amazon Prime, we were able to catch up with Scott Eastwood and Clark Backo to discuss the film.

You are both more known for working in action and drama. Was it fun to do a straight romantic comedy?

Clark Backo: Heck yeah.

Scott Eastwood: Oh, yeah. Why not? Valentine's Day this close. Got to get it in there.

Clark Backo: You’ve got to have balance in life. You’ve got to have fun. This rom com was fun.

Scott Eastwood: It was.

Why do you think it is so relatable for people that they sometimes just can’t give up on a relationship that really wasn’t working?

Clark Backo: Because (sings) love hurts.

Scott Eastwood: (sings too) Love hurts.

Clark Backo: What's the other line?

Scott Eastwood: Something else? It does something else. But I think the answer to your question is people don't want to go through the pain…

Clark Backo: Hmm… Well said, Scott…

Scott Eastwood: … to get to the other side of the relationship. They want to just keep burying it deep down. Just keep burying it away. That happens and then you know, no one wants to make the plunge.

Clark Backo: Mmhmm.

Why do you think Noah clicked more with Ginny than he had with Emma?

Scott Eastwood: She’s got her shit together. I don't know if you've seen the movie.

Yes, I did.

Scott Eastwood: But she is on her shit. And she makes pies.

Clark Backo: I make pies.

Scott Eastwood: (Holds up a plate with a couple of slices of pie.) I made you a couple here.

That’s big.

Clark Backo: Mmm… those are good.

Scott Eastwood: They’re small little pies, but they're amazing.

Clark Backo: Can't say no to a pie.

What was the weirdest thing that either of you did, or have heard of someone doing, to try to win an ex back?

Scott Eastwood: Oh, I actually heard a story last night, randomly at dinner about a buddy who sensed that his girlfriend was cheating on him. He went in and broke into her house while the guy was there. I thought that was pretty weird. You know, he broke through a couple locks.

Clark Backo: What was the intention? To catch them?

Scott Eastwood: I think he wanted to catch them in the act. Which I was like, that’s dark.

Clark Backo: I don't know that I'd want to do that.

Scott Eastwood: Yeah. That was my worst thing. I don't know if that is exactly what you asked.

That works…

Clark Backo: It was definitely something.

Do you have anything Clark?

Clark Backo: I can't say that I do. I am just you know, a perfect person. (laughs)

Both Charlie and Jenny are such smart comedians. What was it like working with them?

Scott Eastwood: Terrible. Terrible.

Clark Backo: Absolutely awful. Not perfect at all. Yeah, we're better than both of them.

Scott Eastwood: Mean, I think is the word that sums it up. Just mean.

Clark Backo: Awful. Really not funny. Did you say that one already?

Scott Eastwood: Definitely not funny.

Clark Backo: Definitely not funny. That's all we got.

What parts of your characters did you feel were most like you, and which parts were hardest for you to grasp as an actor?

Scott Eastwood: Ooh. Well, I mean, I don't think I've ever since I don't think I've ever taken Molly with minors. But I don’t know. I don't know, maybe I have. (Makes a face and laughs.)

Clark Backo: I'm not much of a pie baker.

Scott Eastwood: You'd have to be like really into baking, over the stove just all day.

Clark Backo: Yeah. But I do think like Ginny, I try to be a go getter. Ginny's a go getter. I'm a go getter.

Scott Eastwood: (dances in his seat) I feel like that should be put to music.

Clark Backo: I don't know why I said that. I don’t know. It was in my head.

Great. Well one last question. The movie world is in such a weird place now. While films are back in theaters, many of them like yours are still coming out in alternate ways like Amazon Prime, Netflix and streaming. Do you think this can help a smaller film to find an audience?

Scott Eastwood: Yeah, I do.

Clark Backo: It’s so global that way.

Scott Eastwood: This is probably the time in history the most movies are being made, currently today. So that tells me that there's more buyers, there's more places for it to get distribution.

Clark Backo: More of an audience.

Scott Eastwood: It's no longer… I think the belief 20 years ago is that it you needed to get some theatrical distribution, to go to theaters. That was difficult and cost a lot of money. Now, that might not be relevant anymore. It could go to a streamer.

Clark Backo: I do hope that theaters remain relevant, though. I wouldn't want that to go away.

Scott Eastwood: I don't think it's going away. I think it’s just changed. The going to a theater is an event and maybe those movies that that are event movies become more of the reason to go.

Clark Backo: Yeah, I hear that.

Copyright ©2022 All rights reserved. Posted: February 10, 2022.

Photo #1 ©2022 All rights reserved.

Photo #2 ©2022. Courtesy of Amazon Studios. All rights reserved.

Photos #3-4 ©2021 Jessica Miglio. Courtesy of Amazon Studios. All rights reserved.


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